Psychodynamic Therapy
Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. The object of analysis is to enable people to accept the problematic nature of life, without being defeated by it. Freud was the first to acknowledge the powerful aspects of the unconscious mind and the incredible mixture of contradictions that exist in our mind and our inner self.
This approach consists primarily of talking through long-term difficulties. Unconscious processes and beliefs about the world, other people and ourselves arise in response to childhood experiences. These can contribute, for good or ill, to current functioning. We will explore this together through interpretation of information from your unconscious and by examining the connections between your past experiences and present patterns.
Brief Dynamic Therapy
Also known as short-term therapy, Brief Dynamic Therapy is characterised by a high volume of therapist activity and an attempt to work within a focus that links your presenting problem with past experience. One of the main benefits to short-term therapy is that it helps accelerate a positive change.
In our therapy we will, after one or two sessions, create a focus. This unique focus allows us to observe how patterns unfold from the rich tapestry of your relationships, to reveal unconscious paradigms from your past.
Open Ended Therapy
Sometimes, when problems are more severe or complicated, extra time and flexibility in the time frame may be more helpful. It can allow for further exploration, free association and reflection.
In our initial consultation, we will think of what best suits your needs and what kind of support and time frame are suitable for you.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CBT is a highly engaging and collaborative short-term therapy that was first formulated by Aaron Beck. It works predominantly on current issues and tends to avoid unconscious processes. Instead it uses theory to change unwanted behaviour and emotional reactions, to help people learn new ways of responding.
In our therapy, we will focus on how your thoughts influence your emotions and your behaviour. This approach is focused, collaborative and practical. Clients participate in therapeutic exercises between sessions. The tasks, tools and techniques are taught to the client, empowering them to help themselves, and they are applied in problematic real-life situations. These “homework” activities may be directed towards manageable alterations in negative thought, feeling or behavioural patterns.
What to expect
Following an introductory consultation in which we start to make sense of your own personal context and the issues you are facing, we will discuss your goals for therapy and plan an initial block of sessions.
An important aspect of CBT is the work you do away from the sessions. This normally takes the form of readings, diaries and simple worksheets.
it will be inherited by those most able to change.”